Es musste ja so kommen!! 2 Schwerverletzte bei Ferencvaros-Millwall!!
Was viele befürchtet haben bei der Auslosung ist eingetreten!! Dass es bei dem Spiell nicht wirklich friedlich zugehen würde.
In Budapest ging es wirklich ab
Durch Messerstiche wurden zwei englische "Fans" schwer verletzt. Jetzt schieben sich die Vereine auchnoch gegenseitig die Schuld zu. Beide haben aber so ein problemastisches Fanpotenzial, da muss einen das nicht wundern.
Dumme sterben NIE aus!
Hier ein Bericht dazu von Planetfootball.com
Ferencvaros have attempted to shift some of the blame away from themselves for the trouble which occurred at their Uefa Cup tie against Millwall.
Uefa have confirmed the Hungarian outfit are to be punished for a string of incidents which cast a cloud over Thursday's second leg tie.
Millwall players were subjected to racist abuse from home fans while there were also accusations of missile throwing.
A quartet of Lions supporters were stabbed in clashes in Budapest but Ferencvaros insist they are not completely at fault.
The club have issued a statement in response to criticism of Ferencvaros by stating there were many Millwall fans who arrived at the ground without tickets.
"It is very unfortunate that in spite of all the previous warnings several British fans arrived in Budapest without tickets," read the statement.
"It is also very unfortunate that these fans attacked security at the gates of the stadium and tried to get in. This was prevented by the security and the police.
"We have to accept what Millwall officials said about the pyrotechnics used in the stadium. But there were only seven torches lit after the first goal and not many, as they claimed. These torches, however, did not endanger anybody.
"It is true and very unfortunate that in both matches there were some fans in both camps whose behaviour and support can not be called fair.
"All in all we find it very unfortunate that the forecasts of Millwall officials proved true and several fans arrived in Budapest without tickets who got involved in disturbances.
"Once again we wish a quick recovery to the injured fans. We thank the team of Millwall for having been a noble rival on the field and wish them good luck in the football league of England."
Was viele befürchtet haben bei der Auslosung ist eingetreten!! Dass es bei dem Spiell nicht wirklich friedlich zugehen würde.
In Budapest ging es wirklich ab
Durch Messerstiche wurden zwei englische "Fans" schwer verletzt. Jetzt schieben sich die Vereine auchnoch gegenseitig die Schuld zu. Beide haben aber so ein problemastisches Fanpotenzial, da muss einen das nicht wundern.
Dumme sterben NIE aus!
Hier ein Bericht dazu von Planetfootball.com
Ferencvaros have attempted to shift some of the blame away from themselves for the trouble which occurred at their Uefa Cup tie against Millwall.
Uefa have confirmed the Hungarian outfit are to be punished for a string of incidents which cast a cloud over Thursday's second leg tie.
Millwall players were subjected to racist abuse from home fans while there were also accusations of missile throwing.
A quartet of Lions supporters were stabbed in clashes in Budapest but Ferencvaros insist they are not completely at fault.
The club have issued a statement in response to criticism of Ferencvaros by stating there were many Millwall fans who arrived at the ground without tickets.
"It is very unfortunate that in spite of all the previous warnings several British fans arrived in Budapest without tickets," read the statement.
"It is also very unfortunate that these fans attacked security at the gates of the stadium and tried to get in. This was prevented by the security and the police.
"We have to accept what Millwall officials said about the pyrotechnics used in the stadium. But there were only seven torches lit after the first goal and not many, as they claimed. These torches, however, did not endanger anybody.
"It is true and very unfortunate that in both matches there were some fans in both camps whose behaviour and support can not be called fair.
"All in all we find it very unfortunate that the forecasts of Millwall officials proved true and several fans arrived in Budapest without tickets who got involved in disturbances.
"Once again we wish a quick recovery to the injured fans. We thank the team of Millwall for having been a noble rival on the field and wish them good luck in the football league of England."
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